Wednesday, March 10, 2021


As I have said before when choosing the roles for our group, myself and Isa would most likely be co-directing/filming the opening. As luck would have it, our adviser has posted a couple informational videos and articles on directing as a way of offering us more tools at our disposal. In order to prepare for filming on Saturday I reviewed the sources my instructor provided and I learned a bit. 

 Directing Tips!

  • Every frame is important!
    • Being aware of what happens in every frame allows a director to better tell their audience everything that is happening within the scene.
  • Get to know your actors and adjust to them
    • The more you know your actors and their mannerisms, the better you can explain to them how you want them to act in the scene.
    • Also since the actor I am working with is one of my friends, we have a level of familiarity and comfortability with each other so it will be easier to explain to each other what we want.
  • Make use of negative space to showcase isolation
    • This tip specifically was very eye opening to me, because although I probably realized it subconsciously, utilizing negative space is a great way to showcase a character is alone through their surroundings.
  •  Know what you want your audience to feel when they watch your piece
    • I have already discussed previously what I want my audience to feel when watching my opening but to summarize I want them to end asking what happens next? I want them to feel intrigue and wonder what the deeper story line is of the film.
  • Being a good listener as a director is important
    • Being a good director allows take in all the info and make a decision based off of it, or take something from one crew member and adjust it so you can say it to another.
  •  Be able to adapt, everything rarely goes as planned
    • Based on my previous blogs, we can see how plans have already fallen through and we had to adapt such as my storyboard earlier. 
  •  Small directors wear a bunch of hats, editor, cinematographer, writer, etc 
    • This tip is already a very well known aspect of small productions and as someone who has worked on numerous productions I know what its like to do multiple jobs on a production.
  • See the movie in your mind
    • Have an idea of what you will be filming before you film it, have a vision, "watch the movie before you film it."


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